
Dear Summer breeze,
You make me feel fine...(har har). It has been so hot this week, but all week you have blessed us with a nice cool summer breeze to just make the heat bearable-- even with heat indexes in the triple digits.
Keep it cool, yo!


Dear Mattie,
thanks for helping me DEEP CLEAN our bedroom this week. I feel like all our stuff had exploded in there and it is so nice to go into a nice, pretty empty except for a bed and two dressers bedroom. thanks for helping me!!


Dear homemade popcorn,
I love you. You are so much better than anything I can buy at the store or the movie theater. Thanks for being my companion while I go through Season 2 of The Office.
Keep on poppin!


Dear Porch Swing,
You bring back wonderful memories of hot, sticky summers and time with family now gone.  I am so glad I found you at Lowe's because I honestly didn't think anyone in Alaska knew what porch swings were.  You have saved my summer and made me feel like I'm home-sweet-home all over again.  Thank you.



Dear Sunny Day,
I've been waiting for you.  Thank you for my refreshened tan and the way you make me feel... sunny!  :) 



Dear Sleeping in,
You are amazing.


Dear Amos,
Thank you for starting this blog and inviting me (us) to participate. It is a reminder that there is always something to be grateful for, and even on those days that I struggle I can read others' grateful thoughts and it warms my heart and brightens my day.
Love you, good buddy.
Dear Pringles,
You were on sale this week, and I had a coupon so to our house you came. Today as I ate some of you, you brought childhood memories screaming back. One year when we were little Mama bought us season passes to Six Flags over Georgia. The trips were always special, because even though we didn't get to buy food in the park, mom always packed a cooler of goodies (that we had to eat OUTSIDE the park on a cement picnic table in the parking lot...)....the cooler usually had cans of Pringles in it, which was HUGE to us kids! Pringles were a special treat. Thanks for reminding me of my childhood, and reminding me to take pleasure in the small things...even cans of Pringles.