
Dear Technology,
Thanks for advancing so much that I don't have to handwash and line dry my clothes. 'Preciate it!


Dear Makenna,
Thanks for finally making your appearance into the world on Friday. I bet your Mama greatly appreciates it, and I hope I get to meet and hold you one day!
Aunt Amy from a place far away from Alaska...

Dear Swimming pool at Beth's house,
Thanks for being a fun place to take Anna and create memories with her. Or, at least memories for me to tell her about.
Splishes and splashes,

Dear Grateful blog,
I invited Leah to be thankful on here too. Hope you are okay with that. THe more grateful, the merrier, I say!


Dear Ipod,
I've always felt sort of conformist and snobby for having you. But you have been a great asset lately in helping me to fall asleep at night. Thanks for letting me pick any quiet, soothing song I want to help me relax. I have been sleeping a lot better lately. Thanks for being so....musical?
Bring on the beat,

Dear Jason Mraz and Train,
Thanks for writing several quiet, soothing songs that I can listen to on my trusty red ipod to help me fall asleep at night. You two (and ben rector) are the only artists I have willingly listened to for the past 6 years.
Thanks for the music!


Dear Sweet tea that I made today,
Thanks for tasting so good, and reminding me to just sit back and relax. One day I will have a nice big wrap-around porch and some nice comfy rockers to sit in while I sip you, and watch my kiddies play in the sprinkler.

Dear Del Monte Fruit Chillers,
You are the perfect cool snack on a hot hot day.
Thanks for ticklin' my taste buds!
Yum yum,
Dear Massage,
I needed you today, more than ever.  Thank you for fulfilling my hopes for relieved back muscles.  I will sleep like a champ tonight and relax my weary body.  Looking forward to seeing you next week, unless Boo decides to come before then.  Thank you, again, for sweet relief!



Dear peace and quiet,
Where were you today? I missed you, and I really needed you for my sanity.
Please come back soon.
Loudly yours,

Dear Anna,
I spanked you today. And it was 98% because I was very frustrated with you. I promised I would never do that, and I did. I am sorry. I just wanted you to go to sleep and stop standing in your crib and you kept standing over and over and over. Please just lay down and sleep for me now.
I love you.
Dear Busy Days,
Thank you for keeping me occupied and distracted.  I love days like you!



Today's positive thought for myself:
I love my toes.

Dear Olivia,
Thanks for calling me tonight just to say "Hey Aunt Spazzy, I wish you could come to my house". I love your sweet little three year old voice, and I wish I could come to your house, too.
Aunt Spazzy

Dear Subway
$5 footlongs provide me with lunch and dinner. Thanks for givin me a cheap meal.
Extra pickles please!


Why is it easier to affirm “something’s wrong” than to say “everything’s great?”
Isn’t it strange for us to say, “I’m lazy. I’m fat. I’m no good,” thereby creating our life experience to be one that is late, tired, and worthless. Leave it to our egos to keep us in that small game and hold us back. If you haven’t started yet, I invite you take on affirmations that brighten your day. Create a bigger life for yourself simple by saying things like, “I am tireless, perfect being. I have access to everything and I am complete.”

Check out Jessica’s Daily Affirmation. She’s got it all figured out.

Go shout everything you love about you.

Dear Mom and Dad,
I am whole. I am stoked. I love this day. I love my job. I love my sisters. I love my brother. I love my cats. I love my city. I love my state. I love my songs. I love my keyboard. I love my curly hair. I love the grey one in my beard. I love that this is what my life looks like. I love you!


Dear Jason Mraz,
I am so glad I still stalk your "journal" after what...6 years of loving your music? I needed to read this today to remind me to be positive.

And Dear green leather chair,
Thanks for letting me sit on you all the time, and not giving up on me when I plop down on you.


Dear Anna,
Thank you for my kisses today. I love you too.
As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be,
Dear 38 Weeks and 4 Days Pregnant,
You make me tired.  You make me crazy sometimes.  But I know you're keeping my baby in there this long for a really good reason.  Thank you for keeping her in my belly this long, ensuring her health and well-being as only you can do!



Dear Neon,
Even though I complain about your size, color, and age...thank you for being a reliable mode of transportation and for not having any problems!
Toots and honks,
Dear Morning Scripture Devotion,
Thank you for the reminder you bring of how BIG and AWESOME our God is.

Dear Vitamin D produced by sunshine,
You make me feel so good.  How do I spend entire winters without you?  Thank you for making me feel alive again!



Dear Weather,
Thank you for being a dream come true today. The sky was painted with little white clouds here and there, and the temperature was just PERFECT. If i could choose to have the same weather conditions day after day, I would choose every day to feel just like today.
Thanks for bringing me outside today, weather.


Dear Carly and Olivia,
This morning you both told me that I am the best aunt ever, "no matter what". It made my day. I love being your aunt and playing with you, snuggling with you, being silly with you and singing Hannah Montana songs with you.
Yall are the best nieces ever. No matter what.


Dear Day-After-Being-Horribly-Nauseated,
You bring such sweet relief to a weary body.  Thank you for being a new day!



Dear Barqs Root Beer,
You are delicious along side my home made fries and nuggets. Thanks for tasting so good!
Amy's taste buds

p.s. I am so grateful today for the sweet snuggles we got from AC this morning. They make my mommy heart feel like it's going to burst with love and happiness!
Dear Laughter,
I love you so much.  You always make me feel good.  You are one of my most favorite things!



Dear Flip- flops,

I love you. I love the sound you make when I walk, I love how easy you are to get on, and I love the little v shaped tan you leave on my foot when I've been outside.

Dear Forgiveness,
I need you more than you know.

Dear Family,
I love you more than you know.

Dear Overdraft protection,
Thanks for working, even though I wish I didn't have to have you.


Today I am thankful for...

a nice visit with a good friend that I haven't seen in months!

What about you?



We take so many things in life for granted....water, food, clothes, money, jobs, laughter.... I want to stop and appreciate all the things I have been blessed with daily. This is an open forum to do so! I invited you to be an auther in case you wanted to share in the gratitude with me! I feel like too often we just live day by day not appreciating what we have. Even if it's just with family, maybe it can help us to be more appreciative of all we have been given.

This isn't a blog to tell stories, brag on your kids, complain or anything. Just think of is a place to write down something you are thankful for today (tomorrow, the next day and the day after that, too!)

So, here goes the first "thanksgiving"

Today I am thankful for Matt's big comfy sweatshirts that keep me warm when I am feelin' cold!