
Dear Anna,
Thank you for being so brave today on your first day of school. I was so worried you were going to cry and be scared. You did amazing, and I am so proud of you. Thank you for being one of the best, bravest, cutest, sweetest girls I know. I love you more than you will ever understand (until you have a sweet tootie pants of your own).

Dear True North peanut, almond and cashew clusters,
you are a party in my mouth. so delicious.


Dear Lord,
Thank You for always being there for me, even when I'm not always there for You.  Your love is bigger than anything I could ever imagine... and You lavish it on me.  Thank You.  You are too wonderful for words.



Dear Air Conditioner,
You are on constantly these days sending our electric bill through the roof, but I am so thankful that you work and help to cool us off on all these "excessive heat warning" days we've been having.
Keep it cool!


Dear August,
You are a big month at the Loerke house. My 27th birthday, our first night away from Anna, and a step towards our new future with Matt going back to school. Thanks for finally coming (except for the bday part), and please be kind to us!


Dear Summer breeze,
You make me feel fine...(har har). It has been so hot this week, but all week you have blessed us with a nice cool summer breeze to just make the heat bearable-- even with heat indexes in the triple digits.
Keep it cool, yo!


Dear Mattie,
thanks for helping me DEEP CLEAN our bedroom this week. I feel like all our stuff had exploded in there and it is so nice to go into a nice, pretty empty except for a bed and two dressers bedroom. thanks for helping me!!


Dear homemade popcorn,
I love you. You are so much better than anything I can buy at the store or the movie theater. Thanks for being my companion while I go through Season 2 of The Office.
Keep on poppin!